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Main Blog 2024

After the club show successes, we have agreed to test the waters with yellow girl Yuki. Yuki has amazing hip score results of HD-A and 40° Norberg value, she shows great stride and reach and had a glowing judge critique! Therefore, off the sisters go to Brabant dog show. Jos Dekker was the respected judge and gave a strong critique for both girls, Yuki 1st Excellent, and Storm 2nd Excellent (2/4). Therefore Storm also received reserve bitch with a rCAC ticket! Super proud of both girls but also for Yuki rocking the ring in her 3rd try ever.

Yuki in intermediate class

Yuki in good stride

Storm in Open class

A mini family reunion! With wonderful critiques in the Nederlandse Samojeden Club champion club match from judge Natalie Van Burik. The big wow of Mylo taking Reserve Male and Storm just being pipped to BISS, but took reserve Best in Speciality Show! Fantastic, next year maybe the top spot! We are also super proud and in love with the new 2.5 week old addition to our growing extended family of Liv Fay! Big congrats to Maikel and Janine with their beautiful baby girl.

Let the weaning begin!

Now that mama Winter is doing her motherly duties, Snow and Storm get to run free without the police rules laid down!

Well Its a hot hot hotttt day! Puppies were making so much noise, feeding didn’t work, mama cleaning didn’t work, closing the light out didn’t work… only when putting a fan on them because of the heat did our ears then hear that peaceful sound of… silence! Happy content pups.

Puppy’s turn 1 week old today, and on Peter’s 40th birthday too! Less sleep for us this litter as they are a talkative bunch all happy with mums yummy milk. Some are little speedy gonzalez types already, others are developing their Samoyed attitudes nicely haha!

More amazing news to report, this time with regards to our first litter! Yellow girl Yuki has also had her hip’s tested, and an incredible result! We are all ecstatic, HD-A with a Norberg value of 40°!

Super proud and very happy for her owners, could there be puppies coming down the line? We very much approve of this with these health test results.

Winter is being the best mum she can be, going above and beyond pretty much milking for her pups every hour. They are a noisy bunch and always happy to comment how happy they are when getting their grub.

And the Milk-Bar is open! My goodness these boys are gonna be rowdy, all super happy and saying “I’ve got mummy’s best teet” gnom gnom gnom

Hoorah 14/06/2024 Winter gave birth to 6 boys and 1 rosey girl! From just under 5hrs delivery was a bit longer than her first litter 3.5hrs! Mum is doing very well and very much in love with her new puppies.

Still waiting in June for Winter to pop! How many little fluff balls will there be? Fingers crossed for a smoothe and easy delivery for her!


June is here and Storm is still developing in Intermediate class at the shows take 1st Excellent’s and getting lovely reviews. All the while Mama Winter is at home being a big sausage roll with a big belly full of puppies! Any day now we hope to be bringing the little ones into the world! And we are all ready to go!

May dog shows are coming thick and fast and after a lovely outdoor show in Goes, Zealand with the sun shining we received a glowing report for Storm, always nice to have critiques.

“19 months; excellent type & gender type; female head; well placed ear; beautiful dark eye; excellent skull/muzzle ratio; scissor bite; straight back; good tail set; good forechest; well angulated front & rear; beautiful coat structure; goes smoothly, extends nicely and drives well behind; excellent presentation”

I note this show purely because this was the best Storm has ever been, and with this I mean how quiet she was and well behaved showing character.


May comes quickly around (excruciatingly counting every day and minute), but happy to announce the vet could see 5 heart-beats. So it perhaps could be 7-9 pups in total, please no more though haha.

Winter’s ultrasound giving her own commentary on how the ultrasound jel is too cold and wants more cuddles in compensation.


April kicks off and Spring is really in the air. Fingers crossed now


March 2024 we decided to take a risk, a big one and do a long trip to Premstatten (Graz) Austria! And the risk paid off!

Snow achieved 2x CACIB points in order to finally get his well deserved CACIB title! Mylo also got his J-CACIB point in a third country, so he joined his sis Storm on the junior international Champion table. We were also blessed with winning both days for Storm in her junior class to complete her Austrian Junior title, to go with her Belgian and Dutch junior titles, AMAZING.

This was all the while all three of the naughty cheeky sods barking their pretty heads off (only when in the ring may I add!) and playing too much in the ring. Juniors I tell ya! What was lovely though were the judges compliments throughout, but to see those magic words I've been training Snow hard for... "6.5yrs impressive condition, GOOD MOVEMENT, very correct movement", and the cherry on top "parallel hocks". The training I've been doing with him lately has really paid off.


Gefeliciteerd 🥳 Happy 4th Birthday to Winter!


Running (back willing) with the pack. Somehow it works!


It was day of the Yuki's today! First a lovely walk around Klinkenburgerplas with Yellow Yuki, followed by another spontaneous walk with Green Yuki! As always Storm was her playful self, barking orders around just like papa Snow did when he was that age, what have we done! Haha

Yellow Yuki

Green Yuki

Winter, Storm, Snow and Green Yuki.


It's a Sammie day today! Can anyone hear us?


The show world kicked off this year for us in Kassel Germany. It felt like a whirlwind as both Storm and Mylo received their points of which Storm now has JCACIB champion title!

And as a new venture in helping out a friend from Wels, Austria, I offered to show Buddy of "Lost River Miniature American Shepherd" from breeder Julia Bettendorf, a veteran Miniature American Shepherd 8.5years old. What is stunning, is that we received Best of Breed (BOB) both Saturday AND Sunday!! WOW This was a lovely boost to me for my show handling skills and simply just having fun with Buddy in the ring!

January begins and we've headed to the beach. Managing to get some stunning photos also.



With competition In every class for Storm and Mylo, they are both coming home this evening Belgium Junior Champions! That meant it was battle of the siblings for the best of breed youth! Mylo took the first show, which meant he got to go and show himself off in the honour ring alone for the first time! Storm then balanced out the score in the second show, but Storm took Best Bitch and Best opposite sex In both shows. And the cherry on the cake was mama Winter completing her Belgian Champion title!


Another little update and proud moment for us, we have come top Samoyed Kennel 4th with only less than half a year showing Storm and Mylo eligible for points, as points are only counted from Junior class onwards. Also, Storm came in the top 10 in place 9! She will always be our number 1 though! Who knows what next year will bring!


Last Dutch show of the year 2023, the Christmas show in Gorinchem. Storm did it again and took best Junior female and a reserve CAC, which will convert to a full CAC as the champion bitch took the CAC! So, Storm now has 3 full CAC's to her full Dutch Champion title! Only now to wait until 27 months old for her to complete it, and in between times carry on having fun and chaos in the rings



Off to Wels Austria we went! And by goodness what results we got. Winter took Best of Breed not just on the Friday but also on Saturday too! We were just pipped on the Sunday. On Friday though Winter even went better and was placed Best in Group 5th, 🏆. Then later in breeders group, we took Best in Show 🥇 🏆. Saturday evening Storm joined her mama and was not just best of breed junior, but then Junior Best in Speciality Show Nordic Breeds 🥇🏆. Then on Sunday we took Best in Show Breeders group 🥉 🏆. That amongst the snow, which made the whole trip even more magical and special. Our airbnb hostess was absolutely fantastic and lovely, where we do hope to revisit Elisabeth and her family soon again!


Such hard work for the fluffs getting groomed, Snow is sneaking a quick nap (escape) and Winter giving her sympathies for a little cuddling and spooning time! Are we ready for Wels Austria? Let's go!


Pack day! Can we go yet? 3 Samoyeds. 2 hairy Viszla's, 1 Rhodesian Ridgeback and 1 Curacaoan rescue who surprisingly is the fastest!


Fryslan Cup international dog show in Leeuwarden Storm did it, and with more ease than papa Snow. Judge Jonny Andersson from Sweden, who shortlisted Storm 'Best 6 Juniors in Show' a few months back, selected her Best Junior in Breed which gave Storm her final point for Junior Netherlands Champion.

With thanks the Nik and Olya for allowing me the opportunity to show Mylo! He did super and is only getting better and better.

With thanks to Judith Vrugt for the picture.


Health tests results finally came in this evening 16/11/2023, Hoorah! And with blessings to count, Snow, Winter, Storm and Mylo are all free and clear. XL-PRA (eyes), FEH (teeth enamel), and Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy (kidneys). This on top of having free and clear eyes with the ECVO test we did on them all in October '24 as well as Gonioscopy for Storm and Mylo, we are over the moon. Now we just wait until the pups turn 18 months before having their hips and elbows x-ray'd and tested at Raad van Beheer.


Well it's been over a year now since our first litter was born and we have done our 1st year birthday walkies with the girls and separately (somehow it just worked out that way), with the boys.

Wolf (Red boy), papa Snow, Mylo (Grassie boy), Mama Winter and Leif-Ollie (Pinkie Boy), with owners Ali, myself and Yessica.

An interesting countrywalk, but was great to see our boys developing and all being sweet natured to each other even though them being pubers! Always a worry when bringing intact males together isn't it? They all missed each other and played super well under mama Winter's careful watch. Storm (Black girl) our little champ in the making had to sit this one out, because the impatient little thing came into heat 3 months earlier than I had foreseen and planned for.

Snow is beside himself here and so is now on his vacation time with his grandparents in Spakenburg, being spoilt rotten with chicken breast every night no doubt.

Our big question though is: Will Winter sync up with Storm, like Storm synced with Winter the last time around? Will our next mating be happening November/December 2023 and our next litter be already happening in January 2024!!!


Our girlies meet up walk September 2023

With thanks to one of our owners, Mona and Fred who are amazing with Nanuq (Aqua girl), hosting us in Flevoland at their camping area and doggie beach. We were grateful to have 3 of our 4 girls together again and Mylo. They all had a blast through Nanuq's enthusiasm being the water duck Samoyed she has become - taking after her mama Winter for sure - playing in and out of the water, and having zoomies on the beach.

Nanuq (Aqua girl), Mylo (Grassie boy), papa Snow, mama Winter (ever the smiler in a photograph!), our little terroriser Storm (Blackie girl), and Yuki (Yellow girl).


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