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Litter A 18/09/2022

Green Girl (1) Tyzzero Away with the Fairies (Yuki)

February 2024

What a lovely surprise! Lickie Licky and just before mummy Winter's 4th birthday! Yuki is looking just like her namesake grandmother Yuki!

I gave mum the surprise of her life when I popped out 06:25 on a peaceful Sunday morning! A calm but strong pup probably taking after her daddy, Snow.

Week 1

A new week begins and I've gained some good weight, now at 655g. More than double my birth weight.

Week 2

End of week 2 and I'm exploring more of the cosy whelp pen, I can almost sit up and mummy's milk gets me stronger every day. 1055g

Week 3

It's time to sniff this joint... Daddy keeps getting his combs out on me already jeez. Can't a pup catch a break!? Well at least I get extra cuddles and attention. 1410g

Week 4

Grrrrrruff yum yum I likes the new foods those men give me, I takes me time to fully enjoy it all gnom gnom gnom. Then a good long nap afterwards!

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Pink boy (2) Tyzzero (Leif-Ollie)

June 2024

January 2024

Lejf loving life. Growing and developing into a true Samoyed! Week 22

A gentle boy, born at 07:02. Immediately knew he had to suckle and helped show Green Girl how to do it, this let Winter know what to do also. A clever boy perhaps!

I'm the vocal boy, if I don't get my fill then everyone needs to know about it. 650g growing well also, loving my little black nose too!

Week 2

At-ti-tude, aye aye matey-I'm the first boy to open an eye. Just one though! The boss keeps trying to put me on my back, but I tell him good, RAWR! Soon as I get my freedom I stomp around the pen to show I will be the boss soon.

Week 3

I'm the biggest now, 1560g heavyweight category! Boom, boom, boom, let me stomp around this room. Those pictures don't do me justice, I'm much bigger in person just look at me wag my tail at you!

Week 4

What's going on? Why you pick me up all the time? Why you do this? Where's mum gone with my milk? Who's these people coming in? Why take our pics all the time? What you filming us for....

Week 5.5

Hear me roar, once more! Ah its so good to be playing again. It was quickly over for me though, I did get to ride in the car though this week, twice! Ruff that's what I think about that.


Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Yellow Girl (3) Tyzzero (Yuki)

June 2024

February 2024

January 2024


Yuki Watching the world go by at Week 23.


This girl was the quickest to come into the world only waiting 16 minutes being born at 07:18. The noisiest of them all loves to let out happy cries when she finds mummy's teets, or tell everyone what she's doing.

Just like my sister I'm 655g at 1 week old. I'm quieter now, I just needed some good milk to satisfy me, thanks mum.

Week 2

A week of cuddles and snuggles. I've calmed down and take my time. The big guys are all over me. I just love to lay, like mama, on my back with my tummy ready to be licked and tickled. 1100g

Week 3

Mwaahhh I've got 3 sisters and 3 brothers all to snuggle with. How lucky am I! Anyone up for a nap it's shnuggle time? 1475g

Week 4

Ahhhhhh dis is da life. If I had a spirit animal I thinks I would be an otter floating down the stream on my back. I get fed and get me milk ah such fun day after day resting rolling and ruffing away.

Week 5.5

Nobody is more playful than me! Me bites that human, me's attack him, every morning when he tries to cleans up our perfectly messy pen after we just gots it smelling good! Must tell him too when he watches us, bow wow! Ruff! Grrr!

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Red Boy (4) Tyzzero Arctic (Wolf)


A strong and confident pup also quickly born at 07:40 that Sunday morning. He is being the big eater and growing the most in these early days, still gentle though with his litter mates.

Boom! I'm the big boy here weighing in at 705g. Get outta my way, it's milking time!!

Week 2

I am Samoyed! A proud and confident boy so far, no muss no fuss from me. Life is easy, love it, why rush it.

Week 3

I've become the sensible boy, born in the middle, being the golden boy. I wanna take after my dad, I heard he was the best! I can't wait to play with him. 1450g

Week 4

Ruff ruff aroooo! I getz ze ball, I getz ze bone, i getz your tail ha haa! Now where's my next meal mum? Human? Gotta get growing more!

Week 5.5

Aye Aye Aye, my tummy, ruff it feels much better now. Why am I napping so much this week? That human keeps washing me Urgh annoying. Let me sleep!

week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Panda Girl (5) 2BISP, BISSP, JBISS Nordic Breeds, Tyzzero All Brilliant Bets are on Me (Storm) JCh AT, BE, NL, J-CIB (Storm)

Looking sweet and innocent, but secretly Storm is concocting her next plot in how to extract delectables from the kitchen's rubbish bin! Week 19

The trouble causer! We had to wait over one and a half hours for this one at 09:17. She decided to come out back legs first hence the hold up. Mummy even had to do extra contractions! She also seems to be a little escape artiste, as we regularly find her colour collar missing.

Boom back at ya bro! I'm catching up at 690g. Happily wagging my tail away when it's milking time. I like to sleep across mama's paws afterwards. A good shnuggle!

Week 2

My eyes, MY EYES! Hallo World. Ah the joy on my papa's faces how lovely to see. Now I find these funny squeaky things in our bedroom... what are they for?

Week 3

Yeah, I can see, I can hear, I can sit, I can walk. I is kind, I is smart, I is important. 1525g I be the biggest girl, I just love mummy's milk.

Week 4

Zoom zoom! Gotta escape these walls! Let me out let me out! Ah haaa catch me if you can... ha ha missed me. Ach Damn it, busted again. Must prepare for my next attack, brother I getz ya! Boo!!

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Grassie Boy (6) Tyzzero An Exclusive Snowy Miracle, JCh Be, De, J-CACIB (Mylo)

December 2023 Brussels Dog Show, Mylo did a clean sweep at all four shows, super proud of him.

March 2023

Mylo chilling and ready for his next treat! Week 23

No hold up with this pup coming into the world at 09:49 al fresco. Winter had to go outside and this boy was born in the garden in his amniotic sac. Seemingly a more gentler pup than his brothers.

Hear me roar! I'm also in the heavy weight pup category at 700g, I'm gonna catch you red bruvva watch out!

Week 2

Hey Ho, away I go, round and round and around and round. Just keep walking, just keep walking. The lightest boy, but I is the fastest. 1065g

Week 3

Grassy the Samo-Rex! Hear me roar haha I love to Awoo. Let me sit in the middle of our pen and sing away! Maybe soon I can duet with mum? 1525g

Week 4

Doo bee doo bee doooo! Life is whoopadeedoo, wa haaaa gotchya! Euy! That bone is mine, give it! Ah nap time, who's my cuddle bunny this time! Such yummie food we now get extra on top of mummies milk. That reminds me, it's dinner time! Hey! Hey...! Hey...! Mam!!

Week 5.5

I is the strongest! GrrrrAwooO where's those feets' gone, must bite those wriggly human's' toes! Ah its food time! Let me bark and make sure those men know it's food time, wait, what's this yummie mince? Beef you say! Mmmmm Me likes it. Gnosh gnosh gnosh.

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Aqua Girl (7) Tyzzero A Brave True Hero in Winter (Nanuq)

Proud achievement for Nanuq and her family Mona and Fred! Super proud of your development. Week 22

Miss lucky number 7 also being born in the garden quickly at 10:09 with her amniotic sac and it opening... i fear this one already has a taste for getting muddy! A determined girl taking after her mummy we think. And there they all were after a little more than three and a half hours, a very quick birthing.

Look into my eyes, I'm gonna hypnotise you. 650g here growing with grace and dignity. You're all gonna want me!

Week 2

Hehe, I might be the smallest, but I was the first to open my eyes and see the beautiful world! Step by step though, milk by milk, gnom gnom. 920g

Week 3

I'm gaining, I'm gaining! Watch out sistah's i'm growing faster than yous now. My daddies tell me I already start to look like mum, she's so pretty. 1305g

Week 4

You know, i tells ya... that sista of mine thinks she's fast, but let me tell you, I'm faster! She might get out first everytime but those men can't catch me so easily! No sir ree! Now, 'scuse me'h, bawow zoomzies time! ZOOM ZOOM!

Week 5.5

Ooh what a tough week, ah but I was the lucky one who got to sleep and cuddle with the human on the sofa those nights when I was poorly. I don'ts like him much though when he gave me that weird tasting milk blah blah. Me so happy now I can pounce on him again and attack those wretched brothers of mine. They thinks they owns this pen! Ha haaa! It's mine once again.

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8




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